Thursday, 25 October 2018

Walton Parish Nursing Prayer Diary November 2018

Welcome to the  WPN Monthly Prayer Diary.  Please use it in your daily devotions or in your church services or house groups, or church magazines or pew sheets,  to pray for the work of Walton Parish Nursing.

This sheet is published  monthly and printable versions can be downloaded from the MRBC website which also has an online version.    Notification is also made via Facebook pages for WPN and the three churches.  Please send any feedback relating to this sheet to Rev Mark Reid

A printable version of this Prayer Diary can be downloaded here.

Contact us:   email:
Lorna (Tues, Wed, Thur) 9am-4pm   07969 901001
John (Tues, Thurs) 8-30am-4-30pm  07909 888703
Wendy (Weds, Thurs)  8-30am-4-30pm  07925 255223

Thur 1st
Give thanks for the encouraging Celebration service on 14th October.

Fri 2nd
Please pray for the continuing ministry of Parish Nursing Ministries UK as they encourage and oversee the development of Parish Nursing in the UK.

Sat 3rd
Give thanks for the contribution of Howard Fotherby and Caroline Allen to our team of Trustees.    Please pray for Caroline as she has retired and moved to Norfolk.

Sun 4th 
Give thanks for our team of volunteers and pray for more to join the team.

Mon 5th
Please pray for the ministry of Parish Nursing Ministries UK and for new Parish Nursing projects starting up in many parts of the country.

Tue 6th
Please pray for the Laydens Drop-in Clinic today.

Wed 7th
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning and Craft from the Heart in the afternoon 2 to 4-30pm.

Thur 8th
Please pray for Fizzability  our working-age group that face challenges to their  physical abilities - on this afternoon 1-3pm at SRMC.

Fri 9th
Please pray Wendy, our Parish Occupational Therapist.

Sat 10th
Give thanks for those volunteers willing to provide  transport for clients to get to appointments and safety in their travels.

Sun 11th
Please pray for Lorna, our Parish Nurse.

Please pray for those volunteers who visit and help lonely people with health issues.

Tue 13th
Pray for Health Drop at the pop-up shop at St Philips this morning and No Labels at SRMC this afternoon.

Wed 14th
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning and the Knitting Group at Collimer Court in the afternoon.

Thur 15th
Please pray for the Collimer Court Drop-in Clinic today.   Also pray for the WPN Trustees who meet this evening. Pray that as they manage the overall strategy of WPN that they may have wisdom in leading the ministry into the next stage of its development.

Fri 16th

Give thanks for those who have started to come to church as a result of Parish Nursing.

Sat 17th
 Please pray for wisdom for our team as they liaise with local surgeries and health professionals.

Sun 18th
Do pray for our volunteers who provide leg care to our clients.

Mon 19th
Please pray for the WPN Management Team who are responsible for the day to day running of the ministry.

Tue 20th
Pray for continuing financial provision for Walton Parish Nursing.

Wed 21st
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning and the Knitting Group at Collimer Court in the afternoon.   Pray too for the WPN staff at the Walton Surgery MDT meeting. 

Thur 22nd
Please pray for continued courses in falls prevention and healthy heart.

Fri 23rd
Lorna has clients who come to her for healthy lifestyles consultations.  Please pray that they will find the strength and willpower to change their lifestyles in a positive way.

Sat 24th

 Please pray for John, our Mental Health Nurse.

Sun 25th
Please pray for continuing good relations between the three Walton Churches as they continue to work together for this ministry of Parish Nursing.

Mon 26th
Parish Nursing is an international ministry.  Please pray particularly for it’s development on the continent of Europe.

Tue 27th
Pray for the Pop Up Shop health clinic. 11am to 12 noon and No Labels 1.30 to 3.30pm at SRMC. 

Wed 28th
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning and the Knitting Group at Collimer Court in the afternoon.

Thur 29th
Please pray for our local Parish Nursing UK co-ordinator, Sheena Glanville.

Fri 30th
Please pray for the continued spread of Parish Nursing around churches in the UK.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Churches Together in Felixstowe Forum 14/11/2018

Documents for this meeting are below

Churches Together in Felixstowe

Agenda AGM & Forum Meetings  
Wednesday 14th November 2018, 7.30pm at Convent of Jesus & Mary, Orwell Road
This is an open meeting and you are welcome to attend. Any voting will be by Forum members only.

1    Welcome and Opening Devotions
2    Attendance & Apologies
3    Accuracy, approval & signing of minutes of last Forum meeting held 2nd May 2018
4.    Moderator’s Report
5.     Homelessness – Damien Laverty
6.    Dementia Friendly Churches
7.     Prayers for the Town.

Items for any other business should be sent prior to meeting
to Hon Secretary, Sue Hockenhull: 01394  279368  or:

Moderator’s Report November 2018

1. Felixstowe Carnival has taken place where, for the first time, we had a Fun and Faith Tent on the seafront.  There was much support from the churches and many willing volunteers, with much fellowship on the Saturday.  Unfortunately, due to severe weather, the Carnival was shut down on the Sunday.        Fun & Faith has been enabled by CTF to establish a committee to lead outreach initiatives.

2. On the Ministerial front, we bade farewell to Rev Mark Kichenside and Philippa in June as they retired to Devon. Christ Church is now interregnum.  URC Felixstowe welcomed Rev David Rees as their Minister in October, with pastoral charge of 4 churches and will reside in Ipswich. In October Rev Caroline Allen retired as Priest in Charge of St Mary’s, Walton and St Martin’s, Trimley and the Parish is now interregnum.         Rev Stephen Yelland has now replaced Rev Diane Smith as onshore chaplain to the Port.

3. Over the Christmas period there will be a CTF crib display in an empty shop window which will also display a poster detailing our Christmas services. To help with the compiling please bring details of your Christmas services to the Forum meeting if possible (we suggest 3 services e.g. carol service, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day).

A CTF tree will be submitted to the Salvation Army Tree Festival.  It will include the churches, organisations we support and CTF events we do together – images have been taken from websites in the public domain.

4. To comply with GDPR (new data protection regulations) your secretary has sought permission to continue using your email address for the purposes of circulating CTF information and advertising events. If you no longer wish to be on the circulation list please contact         The current circulation list has 120 names and is proving a popular way to advertise widely what we are doing in our churches.

5. In January 2019 there will be Week of Prayer for Christian Unity running Friday 18th – Friday 25th January. We plan a Pilgrimage Saturday morning 19th January.

The United Service will be Sunday 20th January 6.30pm at St Andrew’s with speakers Sheila & Paul Taylor (Hope Trust), a united choir, compere Josh Hunt (Boost).  The service will focus on our work in the town. Retiring Collection will be in aid of Fun & Faith.
Let us know if you would like to hold a special prayer event during this Week.

6. We plan to organise an Ecumenical Lent Course based on the film “Darkest Hour” made up of 5 sessions, each with a different theme, dealing with leadership, followers & politics.

7. The monthly Town Prayers group continue to meet faithfully at Trinity Methodist Church and we thank them for their dedication to prayer for our churches, organisation, our events and our town.

8. We shall be holding our usual Good Friday service at the Triangle and Sunrise Service, Easter Day on the seafront.

9. Attached is an article by Julia Hancock on the Ipswich Night Shelter giving insights into homelessness from her local experience.  Please circulate this information as you see fit.  We are looking for someone willing to gather information on what is available in Felixstowe for the homeless e.g. from churches, organisations.  This could then be circulated to CTF contacts to better inform us & help us respond more appropriately to the need.

10. Helen Greengrass, Felixstowe Futures, is leading an initiative for Felixstowe to become a Dementia Friendly Town. She would welcome churches becoming dementia friendly & is able to lead a short training course.  We hope to arrange a half-day course for CTF.

11. Future Forum meetings are planned for:-
Thursday 9th May 2019 at 7.30pm.
Wednesday 13th November 2019 at 7.30pm.
We shall be asking for churches willing to host.

12. These initiatives would not be possible without a dedicated team called the CTF Steering Group who represent a variety of churches and denominations who meet regularly to coordinate and organise on behalf of CTF.

Rev Andrew Dotchin, Moderator

 Minutes of the previous meeting