Friday, 19 January 2018

Walton Parish Nursing Prayer Diary February 2018

Welcome to the WPN Monthly Prayer Diary for February. Please use it in your daily devotions or in your church services or house groups to pray for the work of Walton Parish Nursing.
If you would like a printable version of this, it comes in two forms:

A5 booklet - you need to print it back to back

A4 sheet - can be back to back or as two pages.


Wendy Hubbard has returned as Parish Nursing Occupational Therapist. Contact details below.

Our second Health Fair will be held on Saturday 3rd March at the Felixstowe Trades and Labour Club 10am to 3pm. Do come and visit the stalls manned by many of our local community health and welfare organisations.

Contact us:

Lorna (Tues, Wed, Thur)          9am-4pm               07969 901001

John (Tues, Thurs)              8-30am-4-30pm        07909 888703

Wendy (Weds, Thurs)         8-30am-4-30pm          07925 255223

Thurs 1st
Please pray for new WPN volunteers to come forward especially for befriending and taking clients to WPN groups.
Fri 2nd
Please pray for the health fair preparation and publicity – there’s four weeks to go! Please pray that many groups will be represented.
Please pray for Lorna, our Parish Nurse.
Sun 4th
Pray for the liaison and relationships with other agencies to be profitable.
Mon 5th
Please pray for the ministry of Parish Nursing Ministries UK
Tue 6th
Pray for Health Drop at the Laydens and crafty morning today and particularly for additional people to join them.
Wed 7th
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning.
Thur 8th
Pray for Management Team meeting; for wisdom in decisions made. Pray also for Fizzabilitys pamper afternoon today.
Fri 9th
Please pray for all those clients receiving healthy lifestyle consultations.
Sat 10th
Please pray for John, our Mental Health Nurse.
Sun 11th
Please pray for those who are involved in Sole Mates providing leg care and those receiving the care.
Mon 12th
Please pray for those volunteers who visit and help lonely people with health issues.
Tue 13th
Pray for the Health Drop-in at the pop up shop a.m. and No Labels p.m. which now meets on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month. Pray for the group to continue being a place of welcome and support and praise God for the volunteers who help there and those that have attended.
Wed 14th
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning.
Thur 15th
Please pray for the Health Drop-in at Collimer Court which is held once a month.
Fri 16th
Please pray for Wendy, our PN Occupational Therapist.
Sat 17th
Please pray for those volunteers who visit and help lonely people with health issues.
Sun 18th
Give thanks for those volunteers willing to provide transport for clients to get to appointments and safety in their travels.
Mon 19th
The PNMUK Symposium is on 21-23rd. This year's focus is on professional practice in parish nursing, how it can be developed and how it can be sustained. Lorna and John will be attending this year. Pray that they will be encouraged
Tue 20th
Give thanks for Rev Wendy Smith and Winnie Mutum (PN volunteer) as they lead and support the crafty mornings group.
Wed 21st
Pray for the Walton Surgery Multidisciplinary Team meeting and new referrals to WPN from it.
Thur 22nd
Please pray for future planning of courses in falls prevention and healthy heart.
Fri 23rd
Please pray for Sandra Griffiths, Lorna’s Line Manager.
Sat 24th
Please pray for the continued spread of Parish Nursing around churches in the UK.
Sun 25th
Please pray for home visits that provide support, particularly respite care for family carers.
Mon 26th
Please pray that the planning for the Health Fair which will be in just a few days time on the 3rd March.
Tue 27th
Health Drop at the pop up shop this morning and No Labels in the afternoon.
Mon 28th
Please pray for our local Parish Nursing UK co-ordinator, Sheena Glanville.

Please send any feedback relating to this sheet to Rev Mark Reid