Tuesday, 13 March 2018
A Celebration of Gifts - September 2018
DANGER! God's people at work!
In September during the Heritage weekend, we have an opportunity to open the church up for visitors and the Planning Group have come up with an idea which involves absolutely EVERYONE!
We want to celebrate what God is doing amongst us by doing what we're good at; this may mean we'll need to talk to each other and find out what others see of God in us.
We would like to ask you to consider decorating a section of the church in some way either individually or in a group, to demonstrate what is going on here.
For example; the craft group will be painting pictures of Jesus' "I am" sayings to put in the back windows downstairs.
The windowsills, the pillars, the Entrance Lobbies, the schoolroom, the piano, the boards along the balcony and various corners in the church will all be available. Even if you don't have an obvious visual gift, there are many here who get on with things quietly. We would like to find ways of celebrating all these gifts to the glory of God. This could include the Missionaries we support and the Community projects and services we are involved in.
We hope some of the bike riders will come in but we could also invite our newest neighbours at Walton Gate as well as along Maidstone Road and children from the schools with their families.
Carol and I have a form which we would love you to fill in with your ideas. Please ask us if you're unsure about anything. It would be helpful, once you've thought and prayed about it if you could hand these back to us by the end of May. This will give everyone time to prepare for the display.
Let's celebrate what God is doing amongst us in building His kingdom.
Any questions?
Debby Marfleet