Friday, 20 April 2018

Walton Parish Nursing May Prayer Diary

Welcome to the WPN Monthly Prayer Diary. Please use it in your daily devotions or in your church services or house groups to pray for the work of Walton Parish Nursing.
Lorna is doing the Moonwalk again for Walk the Walk, a 26 mile power walk in London overnight on Sat 12th May. Money raised will help support breast cancer charities.

A printable  pdf version is available here.

Tue 1st
Pray for Health Drop at the Laydens and crafty morning today .
Wed 2nd
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning and particularly recent new members of the group.
Thur 3rd
WPN is looking for more volunteers due to increasing workload. Please pray that new volunteers will come forward.
Fri 4th
Please pray for Lorna, our Parish Nurse.
Sat 5th
Pray for those who are involved in Sole Mates providing leg care and those receiving it. Please pray that more will be interest in helping with this ministry.
Sun 6th
Please pray for the ministry of Parish Nursing Ministries UK and for a continued expansion of Parish Nursing projects in Britain.
Mon 7th
Please pray for home visits that provide support, particularly respite for family carers.
Tue 8th
Pray for the health drop-in at the Laydens. Please also pray for No Labels this afternoon.
Wed 9th
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning.
Thur 10th
Please pray for Fizzability the group for working age with disabilities.
Fri 11th
Please pray for all those clients receiving healthy lifestyle consultations.
Sat 12th
Parish Nurse power walking 26 miles overnight in London in aid of the breast cancer charities.
Sun 13th
Today is Parish Nursing Sunday. Give thanks for the growth in PN worldwide.
Mon 14th
Please pray for the local cluster meeting in Stowmarket this morning.
Tue 15th
Please pray for Crafty Morning at the Laydens today.
Wed 16th
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning. Walton Surgery multidisciplinary team meeting at 1pm and the second creativity session at MRBC 2.30 to 5pm.
Thur 17th
Please pray for Wendy, our PN Occupational Therapist. Please also pray for the development of Parish Nursing internationally – it is a growing movement in North America and continental Europe.
Fri 18th
Today is St Mary’s Spring Fair and Plant Sale raising money for three local charities including Walton Parish Nursing.
Please pray for the Community Lunch at SRMC and the support WPN gives there.
Sun 20th
Give thanks that WPN has a Dementia Friendly Certificate and pray for wisdom for staff and volunteers as they assist those with dementia.
Mon 21st
Please pray that the Lord will continue to supply the financial resources needed for WPN’s ministry.
Tue 22nd
Give thanks for those volunteers willing to provide transport for clients to get to appointments and safety in their travels. Please pray for the drop-in at St Philips Pop-Up Shop am and No Labels p.m.
Wed 23rd
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning.
Thur 24th
Please pray for Health drop in clinic at Collimer Court 10-12 and the management team meeting at MRBC 2pm.
Fri 25th
Please pray for Sandra Griffiths, Lorna’s Line Manager.
Sat 26th
Please pray for those clients who have found faith or grown in faith as a result of contact with WPN.
Sun 27th
Please pray that we may continue to have positive contacts with other health and social care charities and organisations in our area.
Mon 28th
Please pray for our local Parish Nursing UK Coordinator, Sheena Glanville.
Tue 29th
Please pray for John, our Mental Health Nurse.
Wed 30th
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning. Please pray for new WPN volunteers to come forward for befriending. Sole mates and taking clients to WPN groups.
Thur 31st
Please pray for those volunteers who visit and help lonely people with health issues.

Contact us: email:
Lorna (Tues, Wed, Thur) 9am-4pm 07969 901001
John (Tues, Thurs) 8-30am-4-30pm 07909 888703
Wendy (Weds, Thurs) 8-30am-4-30pm 07925 255223