Saturday, 29 September 2018

Walton Parish Nursing Prayer Diary October 2018

Welcome to the WPN Monthly Prayer Diary. Please use it in your daily devotions or in your church services or house groups, or church magazines or pew sheets, to pray for the work of Walton Parish Nursing.

The printable version (double-sided A4 which folds to an A5 leaflet) can be downloaded here (needs PDF reader)

Don't forget that it is our annual Celebration Service at Seaton Road Methodist Church on Sunday 14th October at 3pm.  The Speeker is Rev Simon Goddard who is the Moderator of Churches Together in Suffolk.

Contact us:

Lorna (Tues, Wed, Thur) 9am-4pm 07969 901001

John (Tues, Thurs) 8-30am-4-30pm 07909 888703

Wendy (Weds, Thurs) 8-30am-4-30pm 07925 255223

Mon 1st
Please pray for Lorna, our Parish Nurse

Tue 2nd
Pray for Health Drop at the Laydens and crafty morning today, 10 to 11.30am.   Also for the group who are planning the Heath Fair next year who meet at 3-30pm.
Wed 3rd
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning and the Kinitting Group at Collimer Court in the afternoon an aslo the WPN blood pressure clinic at Walton Surgery
Thur 4th 
Give thanks for our team of volunteers and pray for more to join the team.
Fri 5th
Please pray for the ministry of Parish Nursing Ministries UK and for new Parish Nursing projects starting up in many parts of the country.
Sat 6th
WPN has a display at the Association of Christian Counsellors/Pastoral care UK open day on encouraging mental well-being in our churches and communities.   Please pray that they will get a good response.
Sun 7th
Please pray for Wendy, our Parish Nursing OT.
Mon 8th
Give thanks for those volunteers willing to provide  transport for clients to get to appointments and safety in their travels.
Tue 9th
Pray for the Pop Up Shop health clinic. 11am to 12 noon and No Labels 1.30 to 3.30pm at SRMC.
Wed 10th
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning and the Knitting Group at Collimer Court in the afternoon. 
Thur 11th
Please pray for Fizzability, our working-age group that face challenges to their  physical abilities.
Fri 12th
Please pray for those volunteers who visit and help lonely people with health issues.
Sat 13th
Give thanks for all the positive links that WPN have forged with other local health providers.
Sun 14th
Please pray for the Celebration Service this afternoon and for the speaker, Rev Simon Goddard.   Pray for a wide range of interest from the local churches and the community.
Mon 15th
Please pray for wisdom for our team as they liaise with local surgeries and health professionals.
Tue 16th
Please pray for the WPN Trustees as they manage the overall strategy of WPN that they may have wisdom in leading the ministry into the next stage of its development.
Wed 17th
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning and the Knitting Group at Collimer Court in the afternoon.  There is also the WPN Creativity session at MRBC, 2 pm to 4.30pm.  Pray too for the WPN staff at the Walton Surgery MDT meeting.
Thur 18th
Please pray for the drop-in at Collimer Court that is held once a month.
Fri 19th
Please pray for the WPN Management Team who are responsible for the day to day running of the ministry.
Sat 20th
There is a Healing and Wholeness Workshop run by the Diocese today.  Please pray that this will be useful to the staff team who are attending
Sun 21st
Please pray for John, our Mental Health Nurse.
Mon 22nd
Please pray for continued courses in falls prevention and healthy heart.
Tue 23rd
Pray for the Pop Up Shop health clinic. 11am to 12 noon and No Labels 1.30 to 3.30pm at SRMC.
Wed 24th
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning and the Knitting Group at Collimer Court in the afternoon. 
Thur 25th
Please pray for the Management Team who meet today.
Fri 26th
Please pray for Di Buxton who helps to teach the Chair Based Classes, that she may quickly recover from her recent knee replacement.
Sat 27th
Lorna has clients who come to her for healthy lifestyles consultations.  Please pray that they will find the strength and willpower to change their lifestyles in a positive way.
Sun 28th
Please pray for our local Parish Nursing UK co-ordinator, Sheena Glanville.
Mon 29th
Please pray for the mini Eastern region PNMUK cluster group meeting in Stowmarket at 10.30am.
Tue 30th
Please pray for the continued spread of Parish Nursing around churches in the UK
Wed 31st
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning and the Knitting Group at Collimer Court in the afternoon.

Please send any feedback relating to this sheet to Rev Mark Reid