Sunday, 19 August 2018

A Tale Of Two Kings - Sermon Notes by Janet Rhea

For Discussion

1.  "Reputation is character minus what you've been caught doing."  How true do you consider this statement to be?

2.   Read Judges 3:12-30.   Eglon was arrogant, proud, greedy and superstitious.    How much of a recurring theme in history and today do you think the story of Eglon is, and how he ended up.   Look at 2 Timothy 3 and the description of people living without God and reflect on the pressure modern society places on us to live for ourselves and our own feelings and ambitions.

3.   Refer to the story of Josiah in 2 Kings 22 and 23.  He clearly gives us a better example, but the people of Judah still ended up eventually under God's judgement.  Why do you think that was?   Josiah re-established the correct worship of God in Judah, but why wasn't that enough?

4.    Take time to reflect on the final set of questions Janet gave us:
 - Have I slipped into the habits of the world around me?
- Have I become complacent and sloppy in my relationship with God
- If I was put on trial for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict me?