Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Walton Parish Nursing Prayer Diary September 2018

Welcome to the WPN Monthly Prayer Diary. Please use it in your daily devotions or in your church services or house groups, or church magazines or pew sheets, to pray for the work of Walton Parish Nursing.

The WPN volunteers are having a talk by David Button on the process of organising a funeral and what goes on behind the scenes on Thurs 20th September at 2.30pm at MRBC. It is open to all involved in pastoral care in the three Walton churches. Please could you let John Gillett know if you would like to come.

Contact us: email:

Lorna (Tues, Wed, Thurs) 9am-4pm 07969 901001

John (Tues, Thurs) 8-30am-4-30pm 07909 888703

Wendy (Weds, Thurs) 8-30am-4-30pm 07925 255223

A printable version of this sheet can be found here.

Please send any feedback relating to this sheet to Rev Mark Reid

Sat 1st
Give thanks for the financial provision that allows WPN to function and pray for continuing gifts and grants to the ministry.
Sun 2nd
Pray for those who are involved in Sole Mates providing leg care and those receiving it. Please pray that more will be interest in helping with this ministry.
Mon 3rd
Please pray for our team of Trustees.
Tue 4th
Pray for Health Drop at the Laydens and crafty morning today, 10 to 11.30am.
Wed 5th
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning. Pray for the blood pressure clinic run by WPN at Walton Surgery, 2 to 4pm and the Craft group at Collimer Court, 2 to 3pm,  knitting poppies for display at St Mary's Church for commemoration of 100 years since the end of WW1.
Thur 6th
Please pray for Lorna, our Parish Nurse

Fri 7th
Pray for all those clients receiving healthy lifestyle consultations
Sat 8th
Please pray for the Management Team that oversees the day to day running of WPN
Sun 9th
Please pray for other churches in the local cluster that have PN schemes.
Mon 10th
Please pray for Wendy and Lorna as they do their Level 2 Safeguarding training today.

Tue 11th
Pray for the Pop Up Shop health clinic. 11am to 12 noon and No Labels 1.30 to 3.30pm.
Wed 12th
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning and the Craft Group at Collimer Court in the afternoon.
Thur 13th
Please pray for Wendy, our Occupational Therapist For the Health Clinic at Collimer Court, 10am to 12 and for the Fizzability sailing trip this afternoon.
Fri 14th
Give thanks that Debby Marfleet has passed the exams necessary for WPN to offer a wider range of exercise class options.
Sat 15th
Continue to pray for the unity and effectiveness of the three WPN professional staff.
Sun 16th
Please pray for John, our Mental Health Nurse, particularly as today he runs a half-marathon to raise money towards his wife's target of £10,000 she is trying to raise for Open Doors by running a marathon in Jordan herself.
Mon 17th
Continue to pray for the continued expansion of Parish Nursing globally.
Tue 18th
Please pray for those clients who have found faith or grown in faith as a result of contact with WPN.
Wed 19th
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning, the Walton MDT meeting at 1pm and the Craft Group at Collimer Court 2pm.
Thurs 20th
Please pray for the volunteer meeting this afternoon at 2.30pm with David Button (funeral director) that the time may be useful and informative.
Fri 21st
Pray for those who take clients on the Health Walks on the promenade.
Sat 22nd
Please pray for those arranging the WPN Celebration in October that it may be an encouraging and worshipful time.
Sun 23rd
Please pray for the spiritual well-being of those battling mental illness as well as their mental well-being.
Mon 24th
Give thanks for those volunteers willing to offer transport for clients to get to appointments and pray for safety in their travels.
Tue 25th
Pop up shop at St Philip's Church and the health drop in clinic there. Please pray for No Labels at SRMC 1-30 to 3-30pm.
Wed 26th
Please pray for the Chair Based Exercise Classes running at MRBC this morning and the Craft Group at Collimer Court 2pm.
Thur 27th
Give thanks that WPN has a Dementia Friendly Certificate and pray for wisdom for staff and volunteers as they assist those with dementia.
Fri 28th
Please pray for the ministry of Parish Nursing Ministries UK and for a continued expansion of Parish Nursing projects in Britain.
Sat 29th
Please pray for a successful fund raising afternoon at Trinity Manse, Tower Road today, 2-6pm
Sun 30th
Please pray that we may continue to have positive contacts with other health and social care charities and organisations in our area.