Showing God’s love and care
for individuals within the Walton community
Dear Friends, We thought it might be good to update you on the progress of Walton Parish Nursing, as the ministry has been developing quite rapidly over the last few months…..
Parish Nursing Ministries UK is part of a worldwide ministry of health and wholeness that operates from churches by providing a trained Christian nurse to work within the community. It works alongside the NHS and health care professionals . There are now about 90 Parish Nurses in the UK.
It began in the Walton area of Felixstowe about 7 years ago at Maidstone Road Baptist Church. Since September 2011 they have entered into partnership with Seaton Road Methodist Church & since April 2012 with St Mary’s Anglican Church.
There is to be a formal launch of Walton Parish Nursing to acknowledge the new partnership of Baptists, Methodists & Anglicans on Sunday 14th October 2012 at 3pm held at SRMC.
This will be a short service followed by tea & cakes. An invitation is extended to all who have been involved in this ministry. Please put the date in your diary and join us if you can.

Our new Parish Nurse, Lorna Bellamy, was appointed 1st November 2011.
The Parish Nurse addresses the needs of the Walton area (defined by the North Ward), the 3 church communities and referrals from Felixstowe Hospital. We now have 12 volunteers who work alongside Lorna. The work includes leg care, chair-based exercises, respite care, drop-in health check-ups, bereavement support, referrals from GPs & other health professionals, healthy lifestyle advocacy.
Links have been made with Hope Trust, Oaks Children’s Centre, playgroups, toddler groups, the local schools & GP surgeries.
Testimonies from appreciative “clients” can be viewed on our website.
Funding is ongoing. We have been fortunate to have received several grants and we are grateful for financial support from the 3 churches, individual members of the congregations and the community.
When funds allow we hope to employ a second Parish Nurse to work alongside Lorna. We shall be advertising this post shortly; please consider it prayerfully and let anyone know who might be interested.
We thank everyone who has made this exciting ministry possible; to the Trustees, Management Team, volunteers and especially to Lorna, our Parish Nurse, for the gifts and skills she brings to this work.
We thank you for all the support you have given, & continue to give, to Walton Parish Nursing; for your prayers, words of encouragement, financial giving and fundraising.
Please continue to pray for us as we work as Christians beyond the walls of our churches in the community of Walton.
God is good!
July 2012