Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Week of Prayer For Christian Unity in Felixstowe 2016: Programme

 Here is the current list of events that are  part of Unity Week 18th-25th January.  You can also download these details as a pdf A4 poster  and A5 flyer to print off.

The Convent will be open for Vespers at 4.30pm  (NOT Sunday)

Monday 18th CTiF Prayers at Trinity Methodist Church 10:00-11:30am

Tuesday 19th Reflections at the URC led by Rev Ivor Smith  10-30am

Thursday 21st Unity Week talk by Walton Parish Nursing at MRBC's Women's Fellowship  2:30pm.   This is open to all, including men.

Friday 22nd  Mass at St Felix Church followed by a hunger lunch  12 noon

Saturday 23rd   Pilgrimage around local churches starts 9.30am at St Mary's and ends at 11:10 at St John's.  It circulates 10 churches and people are invited to join and leave the pilgrimage at any point.  There is a Craft Fair at St John's from 10:00-12:00 at St John's in aid of Euusabi.

Pilgrimage timings:
  9.30a.m. St Marys Walton
  9.35a.m. M. R. Baptist Church
  9.45a.m. Seaton Rd Methodist Church
10.05a.m. St Andrew
10.15a.m. St Felix
10.25a.m. Salvation Army
10.35a.m. Ranelagh Road Christian Fellowship
10.45a.m. Trinity Methodist Church
10.50a.m. United Reformed Church Orwell Road
11.00a.m. The Convent of Jesus and Mary
11.10a.m. St John the Baptist Church.

Sunday 24th United Service at Felixstowe Academy 6-30pm. Speaker: Rt Rev Martin Seeley, Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich.

There is an open invitation for anyone from any of the local churches to come and  participate in any of these events.  Please pray that this will be a spiritually uplifting week.

For personal prayer and devotions during the week,  Churches Together in Britain and Ireland have produced a booklet and it can be viewed and downloaded from here (pdf file).